Medium Wave   Rejection Notches

I had a perceived problem with our Local Kiwisdr  remote receiving site  ,I noticed the formation of intermodulation products sometimes in the 26 to 30 Mhz section  ( and lower down as well ) I suspect intermod as when I listened to them close in I could hear a coupleof radio stations mixed up .I was not sure if its the low noise rf amp  22 db with 12 db attenuation on the out put  or  the action of  2 very stron HF Medium wave frequencies at received  levels of -37  and -38 Dbm   747 Khz and 819 Khz  , most other   signal strengths tended around  -50 dBm or below ,so for starters I will try to minimise the problem .
I forst thought of a performance high pass filter  whicj I build after consulting with the very good "student "  filter design program "ELSIE"   It worked well in the VNA  but then I thought there goes all reception from 17-- KHz and below  so I opted  in trying to reduce the unwanted signals . The easiest way to do this is to put series resonant circuits at the unwanted frequencies  "short circuiting" the  earth and centre of the  antenna coax .

This is  easy to achieve but I found some  caveats  . If you want to have a narrow bandwith and good depth of the rejection notch then you have to use High Q  quality components  , this I found out the hard way . I  looked at rejection notch circuits for medium wave bands and they consisted of low inductance 4-20uH  with series capacitance values in the 1000's  range so be ware  , some ferrites  unknown were "flat" so obviously had low "Q" at these frequencies  I had a good range of philps torroids and the best one I found was a light purple that almost had a fuzzy look to it o.d. about 18mm . the inductance value used  was around the 30 Turns region   and tried some random capacitors  2n2   3n3 ceramic capacitors  aand that bought up broadcast band frequencies but the VNA sweep showed shallow wide  responses ( low Q)   so I tried some polyester capacitors and strarted to get much better  responses  narroer and deeper notch ,  dipped mica caps were good but I only had them up to 200 pf but  the polys were up to 1000 pf ,so I swent with them  the only problem was the small range of polys I had and torroids jump in increments when you add and remove turns ( I did try the old trick of incorperating a tuning slug in thetorroid windings but the inductance change was so small .(.see photo ).I did managed to get a good close  combination with poly cap additions and  turns , and mananged to use some Philips "behive" trimmers  to actually tune the response to what I wanted .
.The behives are really old school but they are stable , airspaced hence  high "Q"  so were pressed into service ,  I ended up with around 510Pf polys and behive trimmer and 27 Pf  in parallel with about 30 odd turns on the torroid  +/-  turns to tune ..






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