A Remote Controlled HF  Communications  Receiver via  DTMF  ,   Icom     IC-R75. 

This is  something I have always had a desire to do  and I did start the project using the old reliable IC  R71  receiver which will run on 13.8 v DC . The system had to be easy to operate and open access for all the local hams to use so direct computer control  by radio  RS232 or wireless Lan was not a desirable choice, . Since I was not at all sure of the computer connection for this ICR71 receiver ,I began to experiment with opto couplers across the  frequency   and mode controls  keypad .  The  optocouplers were to be driven by the  latched output of a DTMF  decoder  . thus I had a scheme to remotely control the receiver  on a solar powered , low  HF noise hilltop location , a long way from the built up area via a  2 m command frequency  and listen to the HF  audio output of the receiver  on 70cms. 
This is the hilltop  farm site of our  local 2m Linear repeater ( whose audio has to be heard to be believed  and sounds just like a simplex contact  ) .  The HF noise here at this site is purely atmospheric. We are so far from any houses  there is just no way local man made nearfield noise contaminates the site . Its a perfect site for an HF receiver . 


taken 14  Mar 2008 !           over 5  years ago !               

2M Rx ( blue)   Zares 70cm Transmitter , Basic Stamp     Inside W2FS  Controller    (    70 cms audio level pot ~ 47K) 

I also had in the shack an Icom  R75 receiver with the speech synthesiser option UT 102 installed  ,The R75   can be driven using an  external computer control via a two  wire system , the rear of the receiver has a 3.5mm mono jack plug for application of the bidirectional data  and an RS232 interface. The serial data format is 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.The CI-V connector is a 3.5mm mono phone plug. Shield is ground, tip is signal    and  while perving on the net , with great luck  I came across the  article by John Hansen W2FS in QST  for May 1998  titled  " An Inexpensive Remote base station Controller  Using the  Basic Stamphttp://www.coastalchip.com/  .
 This was the answer to my prayer  ....dump the R71( which also runs the single wire CI-V system)  receiver project and press the R75 into operation !  a much more appealing setup!. John had written the software to enable a Basic Stamp microprocessor to control  an Icom 706 HF rig remotely  via DTMF  generated on a hand held radio . You must download and  Read the Article,  it is very informative  The beauty about the Icom radios  is that all the rigs  use the almost the same  control commands and what works on a 706 will most probably work on any computer controlled Icom  ...within reason !. So I studied up control codes, commands adresses etc  for icom radios ,  There is an extremely informative german website http://plicht.de/ekki/civ/civ-p4301-r75.html   which is a must read for anyone contemplating external control of icom equipment . 

The PC Boards for the W2FS  Controller  project are available ex  stock  from  "Far Circuits" in USA ,     http://www.farcircuits.net/  so I ordered 4 pre etched and drilled PC boards at US$6 each ,plus postage down  under ,  and Fred had them here in no time at all.  Meanwhile I had ordered the Basic Stanp BS2  itself not cheap @ NZ$ 70 ,  educational programming  kit locally, more $$$  ( which you do not need  for this project as you can program the Stamp via  your RS232 port on your computer  straight into the W2FS  remote base PC Board, )  and sourced the  DTMF decoder  equivalent  ZARLINK   CT8880 IC from a source  "' futurelec''   in Australia . At this  stage  DO NOT USE ANY OTHER STAMP THAN THE  GREEN BS2 vanilla model ... I am also trying a RED  BS2e  as a replacement and am having nothing but  trouble  , the same program with  the original green  BS2 "'vanilla  runs perfectly   however I have  since learned  that  to get the BS2E  to operate correctly with the ICR75  you must  change the BS2e serial ports to  OPEN DRAIN MODE or it will give you trouble    thanks David Carrier  of parallax ... he says "

"  I read up on the CI-V bus from the link you provided, and it looks like the program you give is driving the bus high, when it should be set in open drain mode.  Try adding 32768 to the baud rate and see how the program behaves. ""      

   Dear            Mike,
    Serial transmissions on the BS2, and many other devices, default to a push-pull output (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Push–pull_output) where it uses transistors to connect the data line to either power or ground, depending on whether it is outputting a high or low signal.  This only allows one device on a bus to output data, but it does allow for higher transmission rates.
    The CI-V bus has relatively low transmission rates and may have multiple devices on it that output data, so it instead uses an open-collector output.  (see:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_collector)  It only has a transistor to drive the line to ground, and it depends on a resistor to pull the line to power when no devices are driving it to ground.  This prevents issues when multiple devices try to drive the line at the same time.  Adding 32768 to the baud rate sets the BS2 and BS2e to use open-collector outputs instead of push-pull outputs.
    The microcontroller in the standard BS2 has less powerful output transistors than the microcontroller in the BS2e, so that may be why the BS2 still worked on the CI-V bus while using push-pull outputs even though it should not have worked.

            thanks David   for baling me out over this .. wonderful !!

' While  waiting for all these parts I downloaded the  Zipped Stamp  Basic  control program from the "net " source       http://www.arrl.org/files/qst-binaries/              and studied it as closely as I could . also downloading the free programming software from the Parallax website . http://www.parallax.com/tabid/441/Default.aspx   I know there are many of you who could have used a $2 pic but i know didley squatt about programming !  happy to send you an email copy of the software I modified .. and used 

When the parts were all here I assembled the pcboard connected all the audio in , out cables,  required plugs switches sockets  etc , The  Stamp BS2  will talk directly to the programming PC  !! I plugged the  dtmf controller board into the computer  RS232 port via a ribbon connected DB9 ,I connected to a female DB9 as follows: 
Pin1 stamp to 2 DB9,  pin  2 stamp to pin 3 DB9   pin3 stamp to pin 4 DB9  and pin 4 stamp  to pin5 DB9 Gnd  , 
Switched the controller on  and loaded the 706 controller software into the Stamp BS2 using the free downloaded  parallax stamp editor .  Connected it all up to the 2m radio, vol up over half setting (on  the command  frequency)  70 cms radio ( my monitored  HF audio   output ), IC-706  3.5 mm bidirectional data connection  and them tried different commands as described in the  QST Article ,  Bingo it  worked on the  IC 706 
 Using the "set menu"  function of the R75, I  Changed the  CIV internal  address on the R75 to 48 hex.  set the R75 baud rate to "'auto""   made sure CIV  trans was set "'on' ,   CIV  731  to ''óff'''  swapped the data cable over to the '3.5mm plug bidirectional   remote data port on the back of the  R75 next to the RS232 connector  and bingo that worked as well  ....jackpot!!  

We now have the makings of a handheld controlled remote HF receiver   ( the 706 may have been a more versitile unit to place up the hill as it has wide receive/transmit   frequency coverage ), however the site is  power limited solar site  and the  706 has a couple of undesirable features , like high standing receive current (just over 1  amp)   and it would require  modification to remotely turn it on and off.    Also we  dont need to transmit from there as that can be done from home where electrical supply is not so limited ,and ambient local noise is not a concern,  


 DTMF,decimal ,binary   code equivalents  taken  from    www. engineersgarage .com  

The  original software is written to readout the frequency and modes of the radio if interogated in CW ,This works well, but Im not a cw  man  so I  popped the UT 102 speech synthesiser into the  R-75  so It would speak the frequencies when commanded . The last few  pages of the icr 75  manual gives the  format  of the  CI-V commands and the command and combinations  to achieve what you wish the radio to do ..    There was some simple basic commands added to the existing code to do this  I "remed" out the morse routine and dropped in the line of basic call subroutine ,  to command the speech synthesiser to read out frequency and operation mode  when the  morse subrountine was called . When i wanted "' mode'' to be read out I replaced morse  with speech  and frequency  'the morse command was replaced by the speech1  command 

SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$13,$00,$FD]              (' to set speech synthesiser to talk)

This did all I really wanted to as far as knowing frequency and modes the receiver was on ,  however there was another extremely useful piece of information I found in the Icom command  codes  ! The operational ic r75  with the vol turned down draws about 750 mA  or so  ! so at our solar site it needs to be turned off when not in use . 
 The R8500  and R75  radios are the only icom  radios that have a software "on"  and "off " function..... Yahoo!!    I dont have to solder an optocoupler across the "ON-OFF" button to remotely turn the R75 off and  on so I delved into the basic stamp code again and inserted this  line ( note the icom users manual has the on and off sub command  codes reversed ) 

'======================MAIN EVENT LOOP===========================
GOTO switch
'======================switch r 75 on ======================================


SEROUT 8,813, [$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$18,$01,$FD] '       ( turn radio on   !!  )

GOTO main


"" there is heaps of lines of  johns code in between here "" 

GOSUB morse


SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$18,$00,$FD]       ( turn radio off !!)

GOTO gateway

OUT7 = 1
OUT7 = 0
OUT7 = 1
GOTO main

the commands below have to be inserted into the code : 

SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$13,$02,$FD] '              to set speech synthesiser to talk   "' mode'' used 

SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$13,$00,$FD]               to read  ''frequency '' of the display  

( there are two "modes"of speech command .
speech.....   only speakes the mode the radio is in  the other 

speech1  command  .  will speak the frequency  and the mode 

(( what i suggest to do before the speech  and speech1 command is put a Pause 400 in the program listing so there is a  400 ms delay in the  radio response so any controlling hand held has time to return to receive on 2m and open the squelch ,  my vx5 is a bit slow at this and  sometimes misses the first digit the radio speaks when it reads back the frequency on 2m  )) 

'=======================ROUTINE TO TRANSMIT MORSE=======================
'This routine is based upon Application Note #8 in the Basic Stamp 1


I also added with simple basic the the ability to turn  receive  rf preamp one  off and on using the No, 3 and No, 6  on the keypad 

' ========================== pre amp control================================
SEROUT 8,813, [$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$16,$02,$01,$FD] ' turn preamp on

PAUSE ptime
SEROUT 8,813, [$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$18,$01,$FD]
GOTO switch

SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$16,$02,$00,$FD] ' turn preamp off
GOTO switch
PAUSE ptime
'SEROUT 8,813, [$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$18,$01,$FD]



Now I can turn the Receiver off and on remotely !  change frequency, mode  and  have it all read back to me ,,,,,  all with software  !! 
 I dont have to worry too much about  power budget as the  controller unit which draws milliamps , has a time out function>  If you drop dead using the remote HF receiver  or your handheld batterries go flat , it will turn everything  off after  a user  "defined by software " period of  time , go to standby  and it works a treat ,,, have it set for about  30 mins here  but you can change it easily ...

There are some features you can turn off  or on and have the radio  speak the parameters as well . if you   go to  the '"set-menu "' area  and turn on  ...sp met .. this will   speak the received S Meter  reading  and SP CLK    "'on "'.  will speak the time on the r75 clock. 
Commanding  the  frequency function will provide  the s meter reading digit  , followed by the frequency read out to 100 Hz resolution . then  the time as in the r75 clock  . Iif you turn off .. met and clk ... only frequency will be read out .   You will probably have to increase the speech synthesiser audio level  by adjusting  R1254   and perhaps lower the value of  R1256(47k) otherwise '"she"' is difficult to hear when the band conditions are noisey .         


ICR-75 as a diversity receiver  pair 
The Icom single wire control system is quite  clever .It is BI- DIRECTIONAL ( thats got nothing to do with its sexual preferences!!)  When the radio does something  ie you turn the frequency knob or  change modes . The  radio SENDS these changes out its  CV-i  port   if you connect two ICR75 receivers together via their CI-V ports  by a simple mono cable terminated in 3.5 mm male plugs at each end, both set to the same  computer address  ie $48 . CV-! set to transceive  and the same baud rate ,  the second  R75 will mimic the exact frequency and mode changes of the one you are tuning  and vice versa  This feature  only seems to happen with frequency and Modes  as far as I can see from my limited testing. . However i was thinking that if you had a   bidirectional radio uhf  link  you could have both radios slaved together  in frequency and mode  separated by what ever distance you could  get the CI-V  data across .10  -20  miles ?? . that way you could  tune about the band   and listen to both radios simultaneously  and have control of frequency and mode  of both ??  im sure  other Icoms will exhibit this  master  slave relationship ..  FOOD For Thought !!  
Icom R-75  in  Repeater shed.  Blue unit is 145 Mhz Receiver,  ( later replaced by a Zares  2m handheld  radio )  70 Cms Tx hand held  underneath Amp meter                photo taken   Mar 2008 ! 

 Now I am no programmer and the scruffy code i have inserted could no doubt be tidied up  ,  but it works .  You could add all sorts of commands to this code if you wanted to but you may need the next "size" basic stamp chip to enable this as you may run out of memory space. There is probably a lot of morse  commands that could be deleted to obtain more "space" My next project is to learn how to program the "'multi memory"' BS2e  then I can have to r75  do much more  for its remote  user .

   I can now drive around in the middle of town  not worrying about the crap sig to noise of the mobile HF transceiver  as I  can talk from my Vehicle  to my friends on HF ,   and hear them coming back loud and clear via the 70 cm  backlink on 430.0375 MHZ from  the remote HF site      and the beauty of the icom 706 versatility  in the vehicle is i can have an HF SSB  /  70 cms  NMFB  split to achieve this !! 

What I have found with the system is sometimes the remote command unit must fall over when decoding DTMF  multipath ,  If you find that it is not responding how it should . Try sending a few 5 sec timed   spaced "D"commands if it responds with  a frequency and   mode readout it ready to be commanded again or wait  ,a minute  or so and the stamp will clear itself and continue on as it should , In five  years of use . Ive not had a situation where I could not get in and obtain control.. 

Looking towards Rotorua city  10Kms away   

                   Looking out  west over lake Rotorua

      we are so far from anywhere it takes 30Mins to get there from town  with 4WD 


  Looking north east out to Maketu  ( towards sea)  

                          looking   East  out over lake Tarawera  to Mnt Tarawera

Well  how well does it go ? after putting up the G5RV antenna mainly because its  "ham  Multiband " and connecting it to the receiver and listening on 10 m,  we can hear the low level background  noise eminating from the  little Zares 70 cms  synthesised  down link transceiver ! so thats going to have to be quelled , hopefully a few turns around  ferrite toroids with the antenna coax and power supply  will help minimize  that  . ( turns out it was the 12 v to 6V switching power supply and I put all that inside a sealed bypassed rf tight box )

 It is just as easy to place a small 1 amp 7806 three terminal regulator  mounted on the receive Zares chassis  and have a no noise linear voltage regulator instead and put up with a little more power drain , You can only do this trick with the receive  only radio  as the transmitter, the  current will be up around an amp  on low power  and if you transmitt  for a short while the three terminal regulator will heat up the  aluminium chassis beyond a safe  value and you will damage the transmitting radio .

                                    7805  1 amp reg    screwed to cast aluminium back of little FDC  handheld 

For the transmitter power supply , I have  made a small modified 5 v 1 Amp switch mode regulator converted to 6.4  Volt  in a screened metal box with feed throughs  and multi turn ferrite chokes  to keep the RF  noise contained ..Even with the radio running 1 watt out the heatsink will get hot , these radios are not designed for continuous operation so will need additonal cooling help  a small 12 v fan was the easiest to implement  and provides a  quiet gentle breeze at 6.4 v such that the heatsink never gerts  warm !!       


What i found is that the small 12 v computer CPU fan  generates RF  noise on HF !!  so you will have to put some bypass caps and small ferrite chokes in the  dc leads to the motor and radio,  I found  passing the  downlink transmitter  UHF coax through a large ferrite clamp on toroid 4 times, very close to the radio  SMA connecter eliminated  ''99%'' of it  .

Then when the sun comes out full shine and the linear  repeaters  SLA batteries are fully charged, the  solar panel regulator( PWM  unit) makes its presence felt  by causing a whine on the received  audio    I think this may be DC power induced as when I switch in  the R 75  preamp on 10m ,  the sig to noise improves but the whine doesnt increase ! ,  need some good DC filtering  me thinks  . I think running the Icom on 12-13 v  doesnt give the onboard regulators  much headroom to "work well" so you need a good well filtered DC  supply  which I made with some very large  electrolytics and a good size DC wirewound choke .

14/6/14   have replaced the BS2 with a BS2E  with  more  memory  for  more features when I learn how to program to make use of the extra memory and the royal "we" has run into trouble with micro processor noise  being picked up by the HF antenna  .  the BS2E chip  runs at 20 Mhz , much  faster  than the old BS2, draws more current  and it  kicks up more  RFi .   In an attempt to beat this problem I have placed the pc board in a tin can with 820nF feed throughs  on all connections .  and rf chokes on all the  coaxs leaving the HF  module 70 cms and 2 m antenna  also HF  coax ,   but the noise is  still there .less, but  still there , ill have to attack this  problem sequentially  . it is mainly a problem at 3 Mhz area  , I would love to see it  gone  !

19/7/14 Since then I have tackeled this micro noise  problem and found    the solution  . I have placed ferrite chokes in both sides of the output  connections of most  pins that connect the BS2E to the outside world  . I  found the  chokes in the earth side of the audio connections had a large effect  .After much  experimenting with different  toroids to get as large an inductance as possible. I discovered the humble ferrite bead would provide the greatest inductance  for volume ratio than any torroid I had ..  12  passes of  fine enamelled wire through a ferrite bead would give typically 150 plus uH according to my Agilent hand held  inductance meter .  Perfect for  what I want and  very small as well to fit into small places .  so I soldered them to all the standoffs on the pc board  and connected them to the output feed-throughs  and the micro noise is no longer a problem ..  happy happy happy  joy joy joy !


                Micro controller  board with ferrite  beads in place 

The remote receiver shares the same bench space as our local 2m linear two meter  repeater  . which transmitts on 144.350 MHz  and receives on 144.950 MHz. The 145 MHz Remote receiver  also  shares  the  same  2* 5/8 receive co-linear  antenna that the repeater  uses by using a minicircuits rf splitter  at the output of the the two large 10"inch  sinclair coaxial filters (4 inch ones were  replaced)  and we just accept the measured 3.6 dB loss  the splitter incurs  at  the repeater  input .

The pass band of the filters is such that 145 Mhz can  just sneak through above 144.950 peak, with minimal attenuation as well  , thus we get 
1.   The benefit of the higher gain co-linear 2m receive  antenna and 
2.  The benefit of the repeater receive filters  transmit rejection notch ,.this   notch eliminating the high power 144.350 transmit signal and its potential de sensed of  the remote control 145 MHz receiver .  Thus  enabling contemporaneous use   of both systems .


             2 m Linear repeater    receive filter      response ,,,,, see where 145 MHz  is ! 

. You do however notice the improved signal when compare to my  almost identical home set up ( G5RV and R-75 Rx  )  on the same signals , my background semi rural location still has a higher local background noise so very  weak signals , readable on the remote site are almost uncopyable on the home set up .     Well at least the guys in town with their very high local noise level on 80  and 40  m will still be able to work some good DX !! 

The next  idea is a one way ( thats all we need) 300 baud data link so any one with an icom synthesised HF transceiver  can remotely ( slave) tune" the remote  R75  ön the fly"using control CI-V data sent from their  own icom transceiver änd listen on the tuned signal on 430.0375 MHz nbfm  downlink .. 

I guess the next project is to hook it up to the internet ??   

The  original source code is a ZIP  File   (706stamp.zip)   and is at http://www.arrl.org/files/qst-binaries/   scroll down near the bottom to find  MAY 1998

Il  find out  how  I can attach the total  pbasic  code here  and you can download the complete R 75   basic stamp code off my site .. 

Cheers  Mike ZL1BTB         

    This  project  has now been sponsered  by  NZART  Branch 33 Rotorua NZ,  as our club HF remote receiver , it is open for all hams to use. 

The  Software listing  text ....  SET  FOR 300 BAUD  8N1    so set your r75 to 300 baud !! 48Hex

' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.0}
'This code is copyright (c) 1997, John A. Hansen, W2FS, all
'rights reserved.  It may be used by individual amateur radio
'operators to construct their own interfaces for noncommercial
'purposes without royalty or fee.  Commercial users should
'contact the author at hansen@fredonia.edu
''Software code to enable use on ICR75 Copyright  MAPinfold ZL1BTB  all
'rights reserved.  It may be used by individual amateur radio
'operators to construct their own interfaces for noncommercial
'purposes without royalty or fee.

'variables to control 8880 chip

RS      CON     4               ' Register-select pin (0=data).
RW      CON     5               ' Read/Write pin (0=write).
CS      CON     6               ' Chip-select pin (0=active).
dtmf    VAR     Byte            ' Received DTMF digit.
dt_Flag VAR     Bit             ' DTMF-received flag.
dt_det  VAR     INL.BIT2        ' DTMF detected status bit.

'Remote Base Variables

polls   VAR     Word            ' Number of unsuccessful polls of DTMF.
xmitc   VAR     Byte            ' counter for watchdog xmit on HF
linkc   VAR     Byte            ' counter for watchdog xmit on Link
ib VAR Byte(10)
Character VAR Byte
Elements VAR Nib
i VAR Nib
j VAR Nib
freqlen VAR Nib
declen  VAR Nib
decpos VAR Nib
inKhz VAR Bit
cancel VAR Bit
padl VAR Nib
freqdig VAR Nib(3)
fstep VAR Nib


Pw1 CON 4                      'first password digit

pw2 CON 8                 'second password digit
' In this sample, the password is set to 48.

call_length CON 6              'the number of characters
                               'in your callsign, e.g. ZL1rot = 6
Ptime CON 1200
Period CON 43
Tone CON 1200                 'transmit cw at 1200 Hz.
Quiet CON 0
Dit_length CON 60             'increase these two items proportionately
Dah_length CON 240            'to slow down the morse code speed.

'==========================SET UP CODE=============================
'The next 8 lines of code were provided by Scott Edwards Electronics
'in the 8880 AppKit.

OUTL = %01111111               ' pins 0-6 high
DIRL = %01111111         ' pins 0-6 outputs
OUTL = %00011000               ' Clear register A
OUTL = %00010000               ' Clear register B
HIGH CS        'Deactivate CM8880
HIGH RW                        ' And set RW to "read."
DIRL = %11110000               ' Now set the 4-bit bus to input.

DIRH = %01100010               ' control outputs to transistor switches

'========================CHECK PASSWORD===========================
   linkc = 0
   LOW 13
   fstep = 3
   GOSUB DetectTone
   IF dtmf =  pw1 THEN tonetwo  'first tone received correctly.
   GOTO Gateway
   GOSUB DetectTone
   IF dtmf = pw2 THEN Gateopen  'second tone received correctly
GOTO Gateway

'======================MAIN EVENT LOOP===========================
  HIGH 13
   GOTO switch
  '======================switch r 75 on ======================================

      dtmf =17  NOTE  open drain mode ..32768  added to numerical value to get baud rate 

      SEROUT 8,36081, [$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$18,$01,$FD]  '  turn radio on at 300 baud 
      PAUSE 1800
      GOSUB speech                               '' THEN  tells user  last freq AND mode used
GOTO main

   GOSUB id

 SEROUT 8,36081,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$18,$00,$FD]                                           ' turns R 75 off)

GOTO gateway

  IF IN12 = 0 THEN iddrop   'if its time to ID, do it.
  GOSUB readfreq
  dtmf = 17
  GOSUB DetectTone              'look for dtmf tone

 IF dtmf = 12 THEN SendFreq    'Send the whole freq in morse
 IF dtmf = 6 THEN  preampoff   'turn preamp 1 off
 IF dtmf = 3 THEN preampon        'turn preamp 1 on
 IF dtmf = 0 THEN SetFreq      'Set the whole frequency from dtmf input
 IF dtmf = 2 THEN upfreq       'freq up by 1 step
 IF dtmf = 1 THEN downfreq     'freq down by 1 step
 IF dtmf = 10 THEN readmode    'Find out what mode the radio is in
 IF dtmf = 8 THEN changemode   'Change the Radio's mode
 IF dtmf = 5 THEN ptt          'Key or unkey the PTT line
 IF dtmf = 4 THEN shutdown    'Shut down
 IF dtmf = 7 THEN IDit          'Force CW ID on VHF channel

  linkc = linkc +1
  IF linkc > 240 THEN shutdown   'watchdog timer on link is about 20 minutes        changed from 240  is 20 min approx

'===================ROUTINES TO CONTROL DTMF XCVR===================
  polls = 0
  HIGH RS                       ' Read status register.
  LOW CS                        ' Activate the 8880.
  dt_flag = dt_det              ' Store DTMF-detected bit into flag.
  HIGH CS                       ' End the read.
  IF dt_Flag = 1 THEN ReadTone  ' If tone detected, do ReadTone
  polls = polls + 1
  IF polls < 5000 THEN top

ReadTone:                       ' Tone detected:
  LOW RS                        ' Get the DTMF data.
  LOW CS                        ' Activate 8880.
  dtmf = INL & %00001111        ' Strip off upper 4 bits using AND.
  HIGH CS                       ' Deactivate 8880.
  linkc = 0
GOTO back:                      ' Return to DetectTone

idit:                            'forces a CW ID
  GOSUB id
GOTO main

'====================READ CURRENT FREQUENCY===================
    SEROUT 8,36081,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$03,$FD]   'Request the Freq from the Radio      ( cmged to $04 was $03  ??????)
    SERIN 8,36081,100,nofreq,[ib(0),ib(0),ib(0),ib(0),ib(0),ib(5),ib(4),ib(3),ib(2),ib(1)]  '(Read the freq to IB
    FOR i = 1 TO 9 STEP 2
        ib.LOWNIB(i) = ib.LOWNIB(i+2)     'handles reversing nibbles


GOTO nodata


SendFreq:                              'Sends entire freq in morse including .
     GOSUB ReadFreq
     PAUSE ptime
     GOSUB speech                                                             '  was morse


'====================SET FREQUENCY ON RADIO=============================

SetFreq:                        'Set Entire frequency
   FOR j = 0 TO 4               'Clear the values of ib
     ib(j) = 0
   decpos = 0                   'Is the position of the decimal point
   declen = 0                   'Is the number of digits to right of decimal
   freqlen = 0                  'Is the total number of digits in the frequency
   GOSUB gather                 'Go get the digits in the frequency
   FOR j = 0 TO (freqlen)       'This loop figures out where the decimal is.
      IF ib.LOWNIB(j) < 10 THEN nodec
      declen = freqlen-j
      decpos = j
   IF declen > 0 THEN dontadd   ' If there is no decimal then add 1 to freqlen
     freqlen = freqlen +1
   inKhz = 1                    'Assume freq is in Khz
   IF freqlen -declen > 3 THEN notMhz      'If there are more than 3 digits to left of decimal it is in khz
   IF (ib.LOWNIB(0) > 1) AND (freqlen-declen =3)  THEN notMhz  'If there are 3 digits to the left of decimal and 1st is more than 2 it is Khz
   inKhz = 0  ' Otherwise it is in Mhz


   IF decpos = 0 THEN skipdec   'This set of statements eliminates the decimal point
   FOR i = decpos TO (freqlen -1)
     ib.LOWNIB(i) = ib.LOWNIB(i+1)
   ib.LOWNIB(freqlen) = 0

   padl = ((inKhz*3)+3) +1 - (freqlen-declen) MIN 1    'calculates the number of 0's to put on the left.
   FOR i = (freqlen - 1) TO 0
     ib.LOWNIB(i+padl) = ib.LOWNIB(i)            'Shift the digits to the right to their correct positions.
     FOR i = 0 TO (padl-1)
     ib.LOWNIB(i) = 0                            'add the zeros on the left where you shifted.
   GOSUB setradfreq
GOTO Main                          'go back to main menu

   GOSUB DetectTone                      'get a dtmf tone
   IF dtmf = 0 THEN back1                'if an "d" then you are done
   GOSUB tentozero                       'convert the digit "10" to a "0"
   ib.LOWNIB(freqlen) = dtmf.LOWNIB
   IF freqlen > 10  THEN back1           'If you've received ten digits quit
   freqlen = freqlen+1
   GOTO gather
 freqlen = freqlen-1 MAX 10              'In case of error.

   ib.LOWNIB(0) = 0
   FOR i = 1 TO 10
      ib.LOWNIB(i-1) = ib.LOWNIB(i)
   ib.LOWNIB(0) = 0
   GOSUB gather2
   padl = (10-decpos)
   FOR i = 0 TO 2
     ib.LOWNIB(padl+i) = freqdig(i)
   GOSUB setradfreq
GOTO main


   GOSUB reversenib
   SEROUT 8,36081,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$07,$FD]
   SEROUT 8,36081,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$05,ib(4),ib(3),ib(2),ib(1),ib(0),$FD]  'set the frequency on the radio
   GOSUB speech                                                                '  speak frequency

   GOSUB DetectTone
   decpos = dtmf.LOWNIB       '3=hz, 6=khz, 9= Mhz
   FOR j = 0 TO 2
       GOSUB DetectTone
       GOSUB tentozero
       freqdig(j) = dtmf.LOWNIB


FOR i = 0 TO 4
   j = ib.LOWNIB(2*i+1)
   ib.LOWNIB(2*i+1) = ib.LOWNIB(2*i)     'reverse the nibbles for transmission to radio
   ib.LOWNIB(2*i) = j
' ========================== pre amp control================================
   SEROUT 8,36081, [$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$16,$02,$01,$FD]  '  turn preamp on
 GOTO main

   SEROUT 8,36081,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$16,$02,$00,$FD]  '  turn preamp off
 GOTO  main

    GOSUB ReadFreq
    FOR i = 0 TO 10
        ib.LOWNIB(i) = ib.LOWNIB(i+1)   ' shift 1 digit (for leading 0)
    ib.LOWNIB(10-fstep) = ib.LOWNIB(10-fstep)+1     'add one step to freq
    FOR i = (10-fstep) TO 3                   'adjustment for rollover of 9s
       IF ib.LOWNIB(i) > 9 THEN adjust
       GOTO continue
       ib.LOWNIB(i) = 0
       ib.LOWNIB(i-1) = ib.LOWNIB(i-1) + 1
   GOSUB reversenib
   GOSUB putfreq                                                                                                'put freq
GOTO main

    GOSUB ReadFreq
    FOR i = 0 TO 10
        ib.LOWNIB(i) = ib.LOWNIB(i+1)   ' shift 1 digit (for leading 0)
    j = 10-fstep
    ib.LOWNIB(j) = ib.LOWNIB(j)-1     'add one step to freq
    FOR i = (j) TO 1                   'adjustment for rollover of 9s
       IF ib.LOWNIB(i) > 9 THEN adjust1
       GOTO continue1
       ib.LOWNIB(i) = 9
       ib.LOWNIB(i-1) = ib.LOWNIB(i-1) - 1
   GOSUB reversenib
   GOSUB putfreq
GOTO main

   SEROUT 8,36081,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$05,ib(4),ib(3),ib(2),ib(1),ib(0),$FD]  'set the frequency on the radio


   GOSUB DetectTone
   fstep = dtmf
   GOSUB roger
GOTO main

'======================ROUTINES TO EXAMINE/ADJUST MODE=================

 SEROUT 8,36081,[$FE,$FE,$48,$13,$02,$FD]   'will look up comand to read mode'
    GOSUB speech1                                    ' speakes mode only'

GOTO main

   GOSUB getmode
   PAUSE 50
   IF ib(0) = 2 THEN dofive
   IF ib(0) = 5 THEN dozero
   ib(0) = ib(0) +1
   PAUSE 50
   GOTO thatsall
   ib(0) = 5
   GOTO thatsall
   ib(0) = 0
   PAUSE 150
   SEROUT 8,36081,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$06,ib(0),$FD]      'cycles to the next mode
   PAUSE  25
 GOTO ReadMode


   SEROUT 8,36081,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$04,$FD]
   PAUSE 5
   SERIN 8,3313,[ib(0),ib(0),ib(0),ib(0),ib(0),ib(0)]  'Read the mode to ib(0)

   PAUSE ptime
   character =67
   GOSUB speech                     'transmit an "r"    speak

   IF dtmf <>  10 THEN fixten
   dtmf = 0                        'Change a received "10" to a "0"

   xmitc = 0
   TOGGLE 13                       'toggle ptt on link
   TOGGLE 14                       'toggle ptt on HF
   dtmf = 17
      GOSUB DetectTone
      xmitc = xmitc + 1
      IF xmitc >240 THEN unkey     'watchdog timer on HF is 30 minutes      each "1" is 26 sec. 8=94 sec    ??
   IF dtmf < 17 THEN unkey                      'If any tone is heard
  GOTO doit2
      LOW 14
      HIGH 13

GOTO main

  PAUSE ptime
  FOR i = 0 TO (call_length - 1)
  LOOKUP i,[196,68,125,67,227,129],character  'ZL1ROT  see table at the end of this
                                     'program to get these values.
  GOSUB morse

   OUT7 = 1
   PAUSE 100                                                                               '   triggers  555
   OUT7 = 0
   PAUSE 100
   OUT7 = 1
   GOSUB id
GOTO main
 '=========================================' to set  speech synthesiser to talk ===============================

speech:                                                     ' speakes freq  only'
            SEROUT 8,36081,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$13,$00,$FD]
speech1:                                                   '   speakes mode only'
            SEROUT 8,36081,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$13,$02,$FD]

'=======================ROUTINE TO TRANSMIT MORSE=======================
'This routine is based upon Application Note #8 in the Basic Stamp 1

Morse:                                   'routine to transmit morse
   Elements = Character & %00000111      'See basic stamp I application
   IF Elements < 6 THEN Bang_Key             '#8
   elements = 6
      FOR j = 1 TO Elements
          IF Character >= 128 THEN Dah
    GOTO Dit
  Character = Character * 2
   GOSUB char_sp
   FREQOUT 9,Dit_length,tone
   FREQOUT 9,Dit_length,Quiet
GOTO Reenter

   FREQOUT 9,Dah_length,tone
   FREQOUT 9,Dit_length,Quiet
GOTO Reenter

    FREQOUT 9,Dah_length,Quiet

    PAUSE 300                                                            '    testing
'         Callsign Letter/Number Values
'A   66        M  194        Y  180
'B  132        N  130        Z  196
'C  164        O  227        0  253
'D  131        P  100        1  125
'E    1        Q  212        2   61       slash bar = 149
'F   36        R   67        3   29
'G  195        S    3        4   13
'H    4        T  129        5    5
'I    2        U   35        6  133
'J  116        V   20        7  197
'K  163        W   99        8  229
'L   68        X  148        9  245
'====================SET FREQUENCY ON RADIO=============================
SetFreq:                        'Set Entire frequency
   FOR j = 0 TO 4               'Clear the values of ib
     ib(j) = 0
   decpos = 0                   'Is the position of the decimal point
   declen = 0                   'Is the number of digits to right of decimal
   freqlen = 0                  'Is the total number of digits in the frequency
   GOSUB gather                 'Go get the digits in the frequency
   FOR j = 0 TO (freqlen)       'This loop figures out where the decimal is.
      IF ib.LOWNIB(j) < 10 THEN nodec
      declen = freqlen-j
      decpos = j
   IF declen > 0 THEN dontadd   ' If there is no decimal then add 1 to freqlen
     freqlen = freqlen +1
   inKhz = 1                    'Assume freq is in Khz
   IF freqlen -declen > 3 THEN notMhz      'If there are more than 3 digits to left of decimal it is in khz
   IF (ib.LOWNIB(0) > 1) AND (freqlen-declen =3)  THEN notMhz  'If there are 3 digits to the left of decimal and 1st is more than 2 it is Khz
   inKhz = 0  ' Otherwise it is in Mhz
   IF decpos = 0 THEN skipdec   'This set of statements eliminates the decimal point
   FOR i = decpos TO (freqlen -1)
     ib.LOWNIB(i) = ib.LOWNIB(i+1)
   ib.LOWNIB(freqlen) = 0
   padl = ((inKhz*3)+3) +1 - (freqlen-declen) MIN 1    'calculates the number of 0's to put on the left.
   FOR i = (freqlen - 1) TO 0
     ib.LOWNIB(i+padl) = ib.LOWNIB(i)            'Shift the digits to the right to their correct positions.
     FOR i = 0 TO (padl-1)
     ib.LOWNIB(i) = 0                            'add the zeros on the left where you shifted.
   GOSUB setradfreq
GOTO Main                          'go back to main menu
   GOSUB DetectTone                      'get a dtmf tone
   IF dtmf = 0 THEN back1                'if an "d" then you are done
   GOSUB tentozero                       'convert the digit "10" to a "0"
   ib.LOWNIB(freqlen) = dtmf.LOWNIB
   IF freqlen > 10  THEN back1           'If you've received ten digits quit
   freqlen = freqlen+1
   GOTO gather
 freqlen = freqlen-1 MAX 10              'In case of error.
   ib.LOWNIB(0) = 0
   FOR i = 1 TO 10
      ib.LOWNIB(i-1) = ib.LOWNIB(i)
   ib.LOWNIB(0) = 0
   GOSUB gather2
   padl = (10-decpos)
   FOR i = 0 TO 2
     ib.LOWNIB(padl+i) = freqdig(i)
   GOSUB setradfreq
GOTO main
   GOSUB reversenib
   SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$07,$FD]
   SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$05,ib(4),ib(3),ib(2),ib(1),ib(0),$FD]  'set the frequency on the radio
   GOSUB speech                                                                '  speak frequency
   GOSUB DetectTone
   decpos = dtmf.LOWNIB       '3=hz, 6=khz, 9= Mhz
   FOR j = 0 TO 2
       GOSUB DetectTone
       GOSUB tentozero
       freqdig(j) = dtmf.LOWNIB
FOR i = 0 TO 4
   j = ib.LOWNIB(2*i+1)
   ib.LOWNIB(2*i+1) = ib.LOWNIB(2*i)     'reverse the nibbles for transmission to radio
   ib.LOWNIB(2*i) = j
' ========================== pre amp control================================
   SEROUT 8,813, [$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$16,$02,$01,$FD]  '  turn preamp on
  'SEROUT 8,813,   [$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$18,$01,$FD]                                        '   what is this  ???
  '    HIGH 13
  ' GOTO switch
   SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$16,$02,$00,$FD]  '  turn preamp off
 GOTO  main
      'dtmf =17                                                                             remove  dtmf
     ' SEROUT 8,813, [$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$0E,$01,$FD]  'Start Scanning
 ' doit:
   '   GOSUB DetectTone
   '   IF dtmf < 17 THEN stopscan                      'If any tone is heard
 ' GOTO doit
 ' stopscan:
  '    SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$0E,$00,$FD]   'Stop Scanning
'=======================ROUTINE TO STEP FREQUENCY=====================
    GOSUB ReadFreq
    FOR i = 0 TO 10
        ib.LOWNIB(i) = ib.LOWNIB(i+1)   ' shift 1 digit (for leading 0)
    ib.LOWNIB(10-fstep) = ib.LOWNIB(10-fstep)+1     'add one step to freq
    FOR i = (10-fstep) TO 3                   'adjustment for rollover of 9s
       IF ib.LOWNIB(i) > 9 THEN adjust
       GOTO continue
       ib.LOWNIB(i) = 0
       ib.LOWNIB(i-1) = ib.LOWNIB(i-1) + 1
   GOSUB reversenib
   GOSUB putfreq                                                                                                'put freq
GOTO main
    GOSUB ReadFreq
    FOR i = 0 TO 10
        ib.LOWNIB(i) = ib.LOWNIB(i+1)   ' shift 1 digit (for leading 0)
    j = 10-fstep
    ib.LOWNIB(j) = ib.LOWNIB(j)-1     'add one step to freq
    FOR i = (j) TO 1                   'adjustment for rollover of 9s
       IF ib.LOWNIB(i) > 9 THEN adjust1
       GOTO continue1
       ib.LOWNIB(i) = 9
       ib.LOWNIB(i-1) = ib.LOWNIB(i-1) - 1
   GOSUB reversenib
   GOSUB putfreq
GOTO main
   SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$05,ib(4),ib(3),ib(2),ib(1),ib(0),$FD]  'set the frequency on the radio
   GOSUB DetectTone
   fstep = dtmf
   GOSUB roger
GOTO main
'======================ROUTINES TO EXAMINE/ADJUST MODE=================
   GOSUB getmode
   PAUSE ptime
   IF ib(0)= 0 THEN lsb
   IF ib(0) = 1 THEN usb
   IF ib(0) = 2 THEN am
   IF ib(0) = 5 THEN fm
   FOR i = 0 TO 2
     LOOKUP i,[68,3,132],character
        SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$13,$02,$FD]   'will look up comand to read mode'
     GOSUB speech1           ' speakes mode only'
   GOTO main
   FOR i = 0 TO 2
     LOOKUP i,[35,3,132],character
     GOSUB speech1    ' speakes mode only'
   GOTO main
   FOR i = 0 TO 1
     LOOKUP i,[66,194],character
     GOSUB speech1   ' speakes mode only'
   GOTO main
   FOR i = 0 TO 1
     LOOKUP i,[36,194],character
     GOSUB speech1    ' speakes mode only'
GOTO main
   GOSUB getmode
   IF ib(0) = 2 THEN dofive
   IF ib(0) = 5 THEN dozero
   ib(0) = ib(0) +1
   GOTO thatsall
   ib(0) = 5
   GOTO thatsall
   ib(0) = 0
   PAUSE 50
   SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$06,ib(0),$FD]      'cycles to the next mode
 GOTO ReadMode
   SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$04,$FD]
   SERIN 8,813,[ib(0),ib(0),ib(0),ib(0),ib(0),ib(0)]  'Read the mode to ib(0)
'=======================MEMORY OPERATIONS==============================
 '  GOSUB DetectTone
 '  GOSUB tentozero
 '  ib.LOWNIB(1) = dtmf
 '  GOSUB DetectTone
 '  GOSUB tentozero
 '  ib.LOWNIB(0) = dtmf
 '  SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$08,ib(0),$FD]
 '  SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$08,$FD]
 '  PAUSE ptime
 '  character = 194
 '  GOSUB speech
 '  LOOKUP ib.LOWNIB(1),[253,125,61,29,13,5,133,197,229,245],Character
 '  GOSUB speech
 '  LOOKUP ib.LOWNIB(0),[253,125,61,29,13,5,133,197,229,245],Character
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     GOSUB morse
'GOTO main
'=====================UTILITY ROUTINES=================================
   PAUSE ptime
   character =67
   GOSUB speech                     'transmit an "r"    speak
   IF dtmf <>  10 THEN fixten
   dtmf = 0                        'Change a received "10" to a "0"
   xmitc = 0
   TOGGLE 13                       'toggle ptt on link
   TOGGLE 14                       'toggle ptt on HF
   dtmf = 17
      GOSUB DetectTone
      xmitc = xmitc + 1
      IF xmitc >240 THEN unkey     'watchdog timer on HF is 30 minutes      each "1" is 26 sec. 8=94 sec    ??
   IF dtmf < 17 THEN unkey                      'If any tone is heard
  GOTO doit2
      LOW 14
      HIGH 13
GOTO main
  PAUSE ptime
  FOR i = 0 TO (call_length - 1)
  LOOKUP i,[196,68,125,67,227,129],character  'ZL1ROT  see table at the end of this
                                     'program to get these values.
  GOSUB morse

   OUT7 = 1
   PAUSE 100                                                                               '   triggers  555
   OUT7 = 0
   PAUSE 100
   OUT7 = 1
   GOSUB id
GOTO main
 '=========================================' to set  speech synthesiser to talk ===============================
speech:        ' speakes freq  only'
pause 400                                    ''wait for 2m receiver to open mute 
SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$13,$00,$FD]
speech1:     '   speakes mode only'
pause 400                                    ''wait for 2m receiver to open mute 
            SEROUT 8,813,[$FE,$FE,$48,$E0,$13,$02,$FD]
'=======================ROUTINE TO TRANSMIT MORSE=======================
'This routine is based upon Application Note #8 in the Basic Stamp 1
Morse:                                   'routine to transmit morse
   Elements = Character & %00000111      'See basic stamp I application
   IF Elements < 6 THEN Bang_Key             '#8
   elements = 6
      FOR j = 1 TO Elements
          IF Character >= 128 THEN Dah
    GOTO Dit
  Character = Character * 2
   GOSUB char_sp
   FREQOUT 9,Dit_length,tone
   FREQOUT 9,Dit_length,Quiet
GOTO Reenter
   FREQOUT 9,Dah_length,tone
   FREQOUT 9,Dit_length,Quiet
GOTO Reenter
    FREQOUT 9,Dah_length,Quiet
    PAUSE 300                                                            '    testing
'         Callsign Letter/Number Values
'A   66        M  194        Y  180
'B  132        N  130        Z  196
'C  164        O  227        0  253
'D  131        P  100        1  125
'E    1        Q  212        2   61       slash bar = 149
'F   36        R   67        3   29
'G  195        S    3        4   13
'H    4        T  129        5    5
'I    2        U   35        6  133
'J  116        V   20        7  197
'K  163        W   99        8  229
'L   68        X  148        9  245

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