KIWISDR   MK 2  serial No. 001    M.A.Pinfold  ZL1BTB

Our  branch 33 Rotorua  . of  NZ ART  had the opportunity to purchase after trialing ,  the MK2 prototype  KiwiSDR receiver .|thank you Peter Munn !!!
We were told the new SDR  had more protection in the front end to protect against static and electrical discharge to prevent failure of the front end of the receiver
We had experienced a static problem destroying the front end of our existing  KiwiSDR  that resides at one of our club members  Murray Mcgovern's qth on a dipole antenna .


                                                                                                                                Kiwsdr2 compared  with teaspoon

We wish to place the new Kiwisdr in a very quiet location far from civilisation  ( way out the back of a farm ).  It will use a G5RV, that way we hope it will be semi "automatched" on most of the common ham bands   except a few   but since its the received  Signal to Noise that  really matters not so much the "power matching " I dont think optimal  matching on receive  will mater .

There has been a lot of talk of D.C noise  at 5.0v causing performance issues,  so as we are going to be a solar powered site, We  use 12v with  a switched mode power supply to provide 5.0 v  ,   I have placed passive power condition filters on all D.C supply lines .  I will have to do the same on the solar regulator  but since the potential for noise is bad with solar regulators  I may even go linear regulator  to eliminate potential RF noise pollution .



                                Receiver  with outboard SMA   for GPS  and "N"  for  G5RV               Switched mode power supply and  D.C power  conditioners

"(I was thinking of going to an all linear power system and run the sdr from a 6 volt battery 6v solar panels,  yes you can get them . Low drop out regulator    and  just make sure any wifi stuff was 5v  operation   !  )

The new mk2 receiver had been described as having a lower sensitivity than the previous  mk 1 design !

so when   I had it in my possession, I decided to test its performance.  using my  Agilent N9310A signal generator 

 "S"  Meter  reading

No signal  Level was   S1  

        S3 WAS   -110 dBm

        S5 WAS    -99  dBm

        S7 WAS    -86  dBm

        S9 WAS    -73  dBm

        + 10 WAS -65  dBm

I found with the receiver set to 30 Mhz  full "aperture " the minimal detectable signal at 20 MHz was -114dBm  ,at that  level the "line signal" just disappeared into the visual background of the waterfall .

                                              Low noise RF preamp  ahead of Kiwisdr,    output attenuators to pad the gain down to 12dB but keep low noise figure


 The receiver  did appear a little deaf  for use above 14 Mhz ,  so I decided to place a  very low noise Rf amp ahead of it . I had some small Chinese rf preamp boards , of all of them three  options were available  with very flat gain curves particularly 0 to 30 MHz.
One a Avantek  1NA 02 ( has 02 as marking ) N.F 2 dB  32 DB gain, 35 mA, too much ,  so was deemed unsuitable,  and two  others ~20 dB,   Phillips    BGA2716 (15mA)   BGA2709 (23mA)   N.F 4 dB 21 dB gain,
    RFMD SBB5089Z  N.F 3.9,  19dB ,75mA,   All  boards with a flat response and   a gain of 20-22 dB,...... manageable.. 22 dB is a lot to use on such a wide band reciever , so  the gain of the amp would have to be     padded down with fixed attenuation on the OUTPUT SMA  ( to maintain  the low noise figure ).  and try to maintain a good dynamic range in the receiver .
I performed a gain test with the signal generator and the Spectrum Analyser , I measured the gain at 29.950 MHz with the 12 db pads on the output and it was +12 dB .
I think  a good compromise between keeping the receiver  N.F low and not overloading the receiver ! though the Kiwi sdr  receiver has a user selectable switched rf attenuator system . ( if enabled for users to change)
 Sometimes the  Chinese boards are hard to work out what the active device is ,  I went with  what I think according to my  performance matching is a Philips BGA2703 ..a 5V , 23mA device,  I would love to try the 1NA02 as it has a low  2.0 db N.F , great at 28 Mhz , but I dont have enough SMA attenuators to pad the gain down to +10--12 dB !
 I tried theBGA2709  preamp ahead of the receiver with 6dB attenuation in the output  (~16 dB gain ),  now it was no problem to see a signal of -120 dBm  however ! I thought 16 dB gain  was still a bit  much , so I experimented with various degrees of attenuation on the preamp output.
I decided to perform some signal to noise measurements using the Agilent N9310A signal generator  and a commercial S/N  meter connected to the audio output of the SDR receiver ,(from the monitoring computer)
I used a frequency of 20 Mhz  and found a pre-amplified  signal of -126dBm  disappeared into the SDR waterfall,  I could just  make out the FM sidebands  at 2.5 Khz deviation with a  1 Khz modulating tone.
The best s/n on nbfm was at 3.0 KHz .deviation

        NO PREAMP                         20 Mhz   TEST  FREQUENCY

                        dBm input                 S/N    on Meter
                                                LSB           NBFM

                        -100                20                18

                        -107                                     12  

                        _112                12                  5

                        -116                  8                  2

                        -119                  6                    


    PREAMP WITH  16 dB ATTN    ( 6  dB gain ? )

                        sig in                  n A.M          A.M            LSB             NBFM  
                            -112                12               10.5           19                 13
                            -114                10.5            8.0             18                 12
                            -116                8.0              6.0             17.5              9.5
                            -118                6.0              4.5             12.5              7.0
                            -121                4.0              2.0             10                 3.0

   PREAMP WITH  12 DB ATTN      (12 DB  GAIN ?)

                            -112                  13            12                 20                 14
                            -114                  12            10                 19                 13
                            -116                  10.5        8.5                 18.5              12
                            -118                    8.5        7.0                 16                 10.5
                            -121                    6           4.0                 12                   6

The  "S" meter showed  -114 flickering to -115 dBm  with and without a 50 ohm calibration load on the antenna input  with the waterfall displaying 10Khz to 30 Mhz  in A.M mode
I then calibrated the "S" meter against the signal generator  with no  rf attenuation selected  in the SDR. in DBm.

signal strength with RF amp in place.......S3 (-126)      S5 (-111)      S7 (-99)     S9 (-88)     S10 (-78)     S20 (-68 )      S40 (-48)

The KiwiSDR  has quite a flat response RF wise from 1Mhz to 30 Mhz and its within +/-1 db   or so as far as I can test  so what you interpret at 1 Mhz will be within  +/- 1db  at 28 Mhz,  a very useful remote signal meter !!  and the added advantage of visual representation of the signal strength in form of the waterfall makes it easier to see weak signals down in the noise .. I suspect that the amount of low noise pre-amplification is enough to put the receiver "below" ambient noise at 28 Mhz in a remote rural area and no amount of extra low noise gain is going to improve the S/N of weak signals but only further reduce the dynamic range of the receiver .
You can of course switch in more rf attenuation after the RF Preamp if this feature is enabled on the control screen ..


What I discovered  was that you must be careful with the placement of the  Kiwi module in the diecast  box ,  I mounted the rf unit to the floor with 4 bolts on 6 mm plastic standoffs , . I mounted the rf preamp up on the  side of the box above the receiver  unit ..  If you have any rf leakage you will see vertical lines in the waterfall , I moved the SMA coaxes around and things changed slightly in the waterfall display ..The receiver preamp was terminated with a quality 50 ohm "N"  dummy load  in both screen shots.


                                                                                                    Local internal noise of the   micro  picked up by  Amplified  SDR

 I found that most of the weak signals picked up from the beagle  micro board were eliminated when I earthed the  receiver  SMA   RF  input to the diecast box below it ,   leaving a clean waterfall from 0 to 30 MHz .


                                                                                            RF ground copper shim  soldered to underneath sma  and grounded to diecast box

  The power source 5.0 v must be absolutely clean  with no noise  and I used  brute force  filtering  after a switch mode voltage regulator , taking the 12.6 v down to 5.1 volts ,
My Receive setup  at  input   12.6V  draws 326 mA  when running !! that does not now include the wireless lan so I will have to measure again..

                                         spectrum after grounding RF  SMA socket  !!    horizontal  line is caused by noise spike  connecting N connector to sig generator

 I am keen to try the SDR with a 12dB gain low noise preamp in our wilderness  site ,  connected to a G5RV  "multi  frequency"  receive antenna  hopefully it will not suffer from overload as it is so far from commercial transmitters ,  time will tell!  Since the RF preamp output padding attenuators are SMA type we can easily change them to higher values if overload is a problem .Kiwisdrs  seem to get knocked around by lightening nearby  it took out the front end RF and on our Mk1 KIWISDR    but we managed to get the ball grid array rf amp chnged by experts in the field ,with help from some kind Amateur Radio Tech Chaps at Loop technologies, we got the RF amp chip replaced and our Club Kiwi SDR is back up working.( Tom Bevan ZL1THG  and Kevin MurphyZL1UJG0  at Loop Technologies in Hamilton.
.By using an RF preamp followed by fixed attenuation of 16 db,  this will be the sacrificial lamb and   hopefully protect the receiver from damage  ( piece of cake to change the preamp in the field )


Our first test was a bit of a failure !  We used the  full sized G5RV  with a balun at the end of the 300 ohm open wire feeder  , then 45 m of RG59 coax to the SDR receiver,  a short length (1m )of  cat 5 cable connected the laptop ( win 10) to the Kiwi SDR.,  Despite being miles away from anywhere on the farm., we still got some interference lines on the waterfall  !!??..unacceptable in my books! we did however find the simple "pinch off" balun  (Joe Reisert, W1JR designed a method to cross-wind the turns of wire or coax onto a toroid core)  wound with rg316 on a 30mm ferrite core, had suffered  damage in transit   and has broken a wire, Bummer !  the interference was I suspect ( I hope) ,coming from the laptop as I noticed "signals" appearing when I used my finger on the mouse pad .
Ok we are going to have to isolate the laptop from the receive area, the only way to do this is a wireless lan connection from the KIWISDR  to the laptop. I have built a wireless lan card A.P, and brute force D.C filtering   into a diecast box with an external "N" connector so we can connect  to a wire parabolic dish  27 db Gain ( only cos I have plenty )
 This should enable us to move the laptop right away from the receive antenna by 100's of meters  to eliminate the laptop/ethernet  causing its share of  waterfall interference. any left over rf noise  will indicate inadequate sheilding of the diecast box units

                                                   2.4 GHz    Wireless  A.P       30mW  out                                                    "N" connectors so can use decent  coax

2nd Testing Phase

  Roger Hill ZL1VCC  and Myself  went up to our remote site on the farm out the Back of Mamaku just northwest of Rotorua    where the nearest residence is at least  a Km away  and the next closest is about 2 Km away . A truly rural location ..  found a high spot in a  reasonably flat site in an unoccupied field  and where there was no cow shit .
we set up the Full size G5RV multiband receive antenna  then ran out the 45m of RG59 coax  (with a measured loss of 4 db at 30MHz ) and plugged it into the KiwiSDR  receiver .
 In order to be able to move the laptop and its potential interference  right out of the field of the  H.F. antenna , I opted not to use ethernet cable connection as it radiates a lot of digital noise despite being a balanced  system, to get around this potential problem ,  a  27 db grid pack parabolic antenna was placed on a metal pole next  to the receiver assembly and  connected up by a 2m length of RG6 coax to the wireless lan unit plugged into the KIWISDR  Receiver . .  The assembly  was  turned on  and also the little windows 7 Laptop ( 2028 , Acer one ,  Atom processor)  and we waited for a wireless connection to the KWISDR log on screen.
The screen eventuated and we looked at the screen for signs of digitally generated  interference  , There were a large number of signals present,  so to remove the laptop from the interference equation we walked about 100 m down the beam of the parabolic dish , far from the H.F.Antenna and looked at the screen.  Still heaps of signals everywhere and none that has disappeared !  So next came the boring task of looking at most them to make sure each  was Kosher. The signals that stopped and started  and underwent fading and phasing , we considered ligit !
 I was very surprised to see that I couldnt find any obvious interfering signals , the shielding of the KIWISDR set up was functioning very well  .There was lots of  clear blue screen between the signals too , though we  thought we did notice  some very very  faint bands of colouration between some of the M.W.  broadcast stations  and you had to look hard to see them , not worth even worrying about.  We scanned around the bands listening to H.F Aircraft calling in from over the pacific  loud and clear   ,  I also  noticed the random background noise level  between overs was -118dBm  ( under a microvolt ! ) according to the "S: meter !!   40m signals were abundant in the afternoon and there were a few weak DX ones to concentrate on as well .
  there were the odd cb signals appearing on 27 Mhz ,these stood out like the proverbial  and there was acres of clean blue screen between them sign of noise .  I suspect the Rf preamp was doing a good job
 The Mamaku plateau in July  is nowhere to be for any length of time in winter,  we were thankful for a sunny day  but the wind bit like a shark ,so we squeezed  into my vehicle  . had a coffee from the thermos  and warmed up,  then packed  everything away and headed home......  in out enthusiasm we forgot to take pictures of the setup !!

Im Keen as ever to use this site for a remote H.F receive station , there is no man  made noise anywhere to mask signals . All you hear in the " Blue" screen space between signals is,  the random noise of  atmospherics and the odd static  crash    a radio hams  dream !  The biggest obstacle will be,  is getting internet to this site .. that may prevent us setting up the KiwiSDR  here  however   we do have some other optional sites to try .
 This low noise  site has enabled me to make and test the receive set up to be as "interference free" as possible from its own modules , 

I have now  mounterd the sdr components in a portable repeater case I was given many moons ago  thanks Bill Goodall  . this has plenty of  volume and will easily take all the bits we need  each  module is isolated in its own diecast   box with  D.C  filtering to minimize as much local noise as possible


I have now placed an inexpensive pcm solar panel regulator complete with D,C  input and output filters ,  to look after the 100Ah deep cycle 12v  battery,
I went for simple pcm charge controller as the solar panels ( two in parallel)  produce 19v at a couple of amps,  so the actual loss in the charge system is not too great  , better to have 4-5 amp at 19v  than series connection gaining 38 v at 2.5 A  and warming up the solar regulator
 .If i had a mppt I could have used series connection  but I didnt have one ... and we can always change over at a later date  if the need arises .


                                                                       Simple  pcm solar regulator with addition D.C  filtering on input and output


                                                                                  unit with 2.4  GHZ  Lan to minimise  ethernet radio interference


                                                                            Out in the Boondocks  ,    kms from anybody !

Installation and operation

The SDR was installed at the end of December 2024  up on a suitable high point where there was some cellphone reception for the rurual modem .I used the 4g modem stolen out of my bus  and is connected to "Wireless Nation"  who will also do the required fixed  I.P address as required for operation. the Modem is connected to a 4g external antenna mounted on a 1.5m pole   along with the gps  antenna  . The G5RV H.F.antenna was erected  and that determined the periphery  of the fence  (,required to keep the cattle out)  if they get in, they will chew and lick everything,  we found out  they like the flavour of 300 ohm windowed  twin lead  !!!   so spend extra effort on a good fence . We have two 30 w 19v solar panels redundant from the 2 meter linear repeater upgrade  so they were paralled up and used .  Bright sun gives us 5A into the battery and 2 A when  cloudy . The 4g modem gives us a couple of megabits connection speed ,  more than the required 400 Kb /s  required for the set up.
 At the moment  we have the receiver  box on the ground  under the "umbrella " of the H.F  antenna ,(it is supposed to be at the end of the 40m length of RG6 coax  away from the antenna to minimise digital noise pick up ( at a later  date) ,    the 40m length measure 3dB insertion loss at 50 Mhz on my 50Ohm Agilent VNA  . 


                                                                                                                                The captive  audience


                                                                                                                        Branch 33 Rotorua  KiwiSDR  Mk2 on test   

    We  do have a "local"  interference  noise  problem  ! not a big one but never the less leakage,  despite everything in diecast boxes and in the big Aluminium  portable repeater box , we noticed noise bars  and lines on the  remote computer  display screen  ,they are not so bad as to degrade the receive performance  as we are getting s/n of up to 37/34  at times,  but I l would like to eliminate them as a technical challenge.    It was  found when the box was opened fully they minimise !!   and when the box lid is down and locked they return !  I suspect there is capacitive / direct coupling between the lids of the high mounted diecast boxes and the closed lids, as I can feel the lid deform upward slightly when the box is fully  closed  !  So I will remount the diecast boxes  perhaps 100mm lower down into the repeater case and see if that helps stop the interference being coupled to the lid  and being radiated  ,   
We  have, I think an intermod problem ,we have two very strong medium wave signals one on 819 Khz (-34 dBm) !  and another on 747 Khz     (-37 dBm) both are very strong and may be hammering the rf preamp   ,I have notice  rf signals being displayed where there should not be signals,  particularly up at 11-10 m region.  If you listen to these  "signals" in AM  mode you will hear the mixing products of several stations sounding together ...there is no indication of "Overload"  the red O.V  display  so I attribute it to the low intercept point of the 10dB low noise broadband rf preamp  ,ill try notching the offending signals  with series resonant tuned circuits on each frequency     and see if that fixes the problem.
  the series resonant notch circuit connects between earth and the centre of the coax . Will let you know how it performs '


                         two series resonant circuits across the antenna coax                                philips fuzzy purple torroids  with series resonant caps and  behive trimmers

 I decided  since I was going to try an Rf preamp with a much higher standing current to try and cure the percieved intermod problem, I would combine the new RF amp and notch filters in the same box  along with a separate D.C  filter board to keep the rf amp " clean"  .The only other possible problem is, the amp has a response to 3 Ghz  and I wonder if the cellphone modem polling signals and WiFi signals are being received on the g5rv and  amplified and pushed into the front end of the  Receiver causing a little bit of interference  so I will put a low pass 0-30 Mhz  filter on the input of the notch filter Rf amp and see what effect that has .




                                                                     Modified  Notch filter  with higher intercept low noise RF  Amp          75 mA standing current


Protection against  static  
The problem of static damage could be a real issue as we are at a somewhat high altitude 870m  and out in the open.    Irrespective of the level of protection, a lightning strike to the antenna will no doubt blow the lid off the aluminium box and and destroy everything inside ,so all we can do is try to protect against induced electric spikes and rain static  .The Balun at the end of the 300 twin lead has a large 470 ohm resistor across it  to bleed away any charge that builds up on the antenna from wind or  rain  The RG-6 coax is earthed at the base of the antenna . At the "box" end the coax feeds into 2 modified polyphasers discharge units , in series , connected correctly such that the induced static charge is forced to discharge to earth via the internal gas tube , the high voltage 290PF caps  ( "D.C" blockers)  have been paralleled with 2.8nf high voltage feedthroughs.
 Im hoping that with two polys in series the first one will suffer damage and the second one may offer  more sequential  protection . The next protection "sacrificial lamb" is the RF  preamp and finally there is 12 db of attenuation as well before we get near to the actual Receiver  which also has an increased level of internal  protection ....Time  will tell !!  ???



                                               Polyphaser unit                                          Response of original polyphaser ... coupling cap 290 Pf  ( VHF )  ??? 16dB loss at 800 KHz



                                       modified  unit 2n8 nF feed through cap in parallel                swept response of 2 modified poly phasers in series now only 6dB at 532 Khz

The pink paint was to ascertain the point of contact of the feed through  with the aluminium cover  I had to mill some space so there was no short circuit inside !!

 Other than that we the club are pleased with the result ,  our original  mk 1 kiwisdr has suffered "lightening" damage via the adsl conneced modem so thats another repair job  and get that back on the air  for   general   use.   

Receiver  Antenna separation

It was always the idea to get the receiver as far away from the antenna  to minimise the potential interaction  between the two,  despite a lot of filtering and shielding there is still some tiny amount of digital noise eminating from the receiver box and im still suprised at the performance of the system with the receiver sitting directly under the H.F antenna .!
 We decided to roll out the receive coax and put the receiver about 40m away off the end of the dipole on a small "bump" to ensure good 4G reception for the modem. We constructed  a small fenced  area and placed the receiver there along with the solar panels ,the coax was dug into the ground to minimise interaction with farm stock . Digging that slot by hand was hard  work but I need the exercise . ( we did try it with a 80m coax on another hillock , good results , there  with  no  "noise"  but i wasnt prepared to dig in that amount of coax  into the ground!)  so here it sits     for a time .



                                                                                           View  from  antenna  site  look off end of the G5RV



The  4g connection is a very expensive way to run the kiwisdr ,we chew through about 60 Gb a month , but there is no other way to connect  and use a required  fixed I.P address  , at some stage we will pull it out as the club cant continue on with this expense  $$$ .. Its a shame as it is without a doubt one of the better  low noise Kiwi SDR receivers in New Zealand .  We hear stuff that 90% of other ZL kiwisdrs  dont hear  and if you doubt it , pick a weak readable signal on ZL1ROT2  a then go around the the others  ZL  Kiwisdr's and only a few if any , will rival its performance .Make the most of it while you can , we gotta find another site with an unlimited internet connection.

Can I suggest that when you first get the receiver installation up and going  that you take reading of various signal strengths and note them down with the date  the measurement was taken ,   use   stations with consistent signal strengths ...I used local AM radio stations..?  in this way you can see it you have a fault with your receive system at a later  date  . ( ie cows eating coax and 300 ohm ribbon!                                                                                                                       


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