9:1  un-un for HF  receive only

The Rotorua Branch 33 , 2M Linear repeater site contains our Icom R75 HF receiver ,Remote controlled  by  DTMF, The R75 has two antenna ports  .A standard 50 ohm SO239  and a 500 ohm  random wire  "long wire"connection. I had modified the DTMF control software such that the two antennas could be selected from the any  DTMF enabled hand held on 145 Mhz, selecting either A or B from the  radio's 4X4 keypad . Very recently one of the local club members craig ZL1ER obtained by fair  means or  foul,  a ex CB  "ringo" vertical antenna for 26-27 Mhz  ( half wave dipole fed at the base by a single turn tapped tuned circuit with an unbalanced 50 ohm connection. )
He duley erected the antenna on a 6 M support pole behind the water tank near the hut and we ran the low loss coaxt into the repeater hut . At the moment the HF  dipole connects directly to the SO239 connector , we had to connect the retuned 10m vertical to the receiver so I connected the ringo to a 4:1 balun and then the two öpen wires"to the 500 Ohm port on the receiver . The antenna selection was tested and the 10 vertical showed itself much better at receiving 10m signals than the HF dipole  .

However on further testing over the following days  I  discovered that the 10m antenna was receiving over a much wider bandwidth than it should have , we could even receive  the wellington mountain radio service on 3345 KHZ USB on their morning skeds. This prompted me to look at the connections of the 4:1 Balun supplied by Ed  ZL1AVV  and I saw that the use of a balun in this configuration ,  enabled the whole coax and antenna to work like a miss connected random wire. A re hash was needed if we wanted it to perform well .  Correct matching of the 50 ohm coax to the 500 ohm connection was needed and this would be acomplished with a 1:9 Unun ( unbalanced to Unbalanced)  So I trolled the internet for recipies, Fired up  the trusty E5062A VNA  and set to work in the shack . The 1:9 RF transformer had to meet a few important criteria ,namely HF response to 26 Mhz and down below broadcast band as well  and an acceptable loss . Initially I was going to leave the HF antenna attached to the 50 Ohm input and connect the 10M antenna through the matching  unun to the 500 ohm random wire input . How ever after some thought i decided to put the 10m antenna on the 50 ohm port and the HF antenna  via the Unun on the 500 Ohm port as we could put up with  a larger signal  loss of the  HF dipole  due to atmospheric noise than the more quiet spectrum up at 28MHz.

I Shagged around all day on that Unun, winding bifilar,trifilar .colour coding wires tinning wire .fat torroids  thin, long short .. binocular large small  . The problem is having a piece of test kit to look at  device  performance  pushes you more to the perfectionist.  I could see what was going on and how well the unun performed or didnt as the case would be . I could get wide banwidth but not down to below broadcast band , lumpy response . unacceptable loss , . the other problem with making  these ununs is that I had to make two identical !  the analyser is 50 ohm input so you have to connect the unus back to back  and take  half the total through loss as the performance of one unun.


                                                                     Ferrite bead  "onion"  connection back to back

In the end i decided to try some 4:1 ununs I had made some months earlier  ( 5 turns) so I dug them up and swept them and was pleased  with the result  .low loss and semi acceptable bandwidth , the low frequency response depends on the permiability of the ferrite medium and the inductance of the windings  . Cant change the permiability but i can the inductance, so i wound up some trifilar  beads this time, with with 7 "turns" to push the low frequency response , connected the windings for a 1:9 unun  and swept the two  ununs back to back ...  perfecto !  an acceptable result.  broad band , low loss and excellent low frequency response.  Ferrite beads are manufactured to  becom lossy above a certain frequency depending on the chemistry of the ferrite. The ones I used turned to custard as a transformer above 100 Mhz .through loss increased and the passband went lumpy . but that was not an issue for my HF requirements .

                                                                          9:1 ununs sweept back to back

This is exactly what is required  , Good low frequency response (0.6 dB)  at 360 Khz  ,  below the frequency to what the dipole is cut  and  low attenuation  0.42 dB  up to 28 Mhz , ( divide  graphical attenuation by two as there are two ununs back to back )                                                     
          450 ohm connection                                                                            trusty  so239 50ohm
                                inside box                                                                            close up of single bead 

I mounted the unun in a small enclosure made from RHS aluminium  the  black earth terminal is connected  directly to the metal hemce the  length difference

next test is to install it  on the radio and see what  happens


regards  mike  ZL1BTB

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